- about us -

Come Join Us!

The campmeeting is held for 12 days in late-July/early-August, in a beautiful, rustic setting perched along the Lamoille River in Johnson, Vermont

Ithiel Falls camp has been serving Christ in VT for over 100 years. Many have come to know Christ through these faithful people. Glad to be a part of it

Dan KingWorship Leader
Dan King

Not only is this camp a sacred place of respite and belonging ... it also has the unique opportunity of training up our future leaders!!

Julia AndersonSnack Bar
Julie Anderson

Come immerse yourself in this camp meeting experience... there is something for everyone

Michael Anderson
Michael Anderson
- our staff -

Meet Our Leadership

Christopher Towle
Christopher Towle
Camp President
Bodey & Blayne Towle
Bodey & Blayne Towle
Teen Program Directors
- blog feed -

official blog updates

Fall Work Days

Fall Work Days

Ithiel Falls Campground is preparing for the end of the season.  There is a long list of tasks to be completed and the more hands we have, the faster the work will go.  If you

Work Day Schedule

Work Day Schedule

Ithiel Falls Campground is preparing to open for the season.  There is a long list of tasks to be completed and the more hands we have, the faster the work will go.  If you are

Letter to the members

Letter to the members

Salutations Ithiel Falls Supports, I hope this letter finds you and yours in good health and in an ever deepening relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Even though

- gallery -

ovevrview our camp