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Ithiel Falls Work Day May 4th
May 4, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Our first workday getting ready for Camp 2024! It would be wonderful if you are able to join us for whatever you are able to do from 9-12.
Thank you for helping us prepare for another awesome year at Ithiel Falls!
- Dining Hall- Empty mouse traps
- Shutters – open Girls Dormitory, Dining Hall, Director’s Cabin
- Rake up burn pit debris, use magnet for nails
- Construction wood pile- Take debris up hill to burn pile, use magnet for nails (Trailer provided, bring your gloves)
- Tabernacle- Clean out construction debris, CJ’s dumpster provided, bring your gloves.
- Drain grates up hill and behind Tabernacle – rake out leaves
- Rake leaves around buildings and dump in proper place over bank. No dumping over fence onto drainage please.
- Motel Units- Check what’s needed for cleaning and repairs
- Tabernacle Duplex Units – Check what’s needed
- Director’s cabin- Check what’s needed, remove Bella’s gear and camp totes.
- Seal under side door – girls dorm, currently a mouse access point.
- Seal mouse entrance holes with foam -girl’s dorm.
- Fix grill room towel rack